Disappointing bTB Test

We had a disappointing test last Friday (9th Sep) Three of our cows 4/5 months pregnant were positive tb reactors, they are due to be taken next week, this means weaning their calves two months early , there bellowing will be a constant reminder  of the realities of btb .

There is not a lot more I want to say just now, there is an overwhelming feeling of hitting my head against a brick wall and getting nowhere.



We are tb testing again, reading test on Friday 9th.Having been placed under tb restrictions again back in June because of a suspect case at slaughter (now confirmed)

I have no idea what the outcome of this whole herd test will be, a clear test of a disaster. It’s a very anxious time and you can only hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

All I can say is the cattle look magnificent at the moment having had a summer of grazing grass, they are in fine condition.

Will update results after Friday.